Kelvedon Estate was settled by the Cotton Family in 1829 and is on the East Coast of Tasmania, just south of Swansea looking across Great Oyster Bay to the Freycinet Peninsula. The property is 5300ha, rising from sea level to 350m and is predominantly native grasslands and old growth forest. 1200ha of Forest has been set aside under
the Private Forest Reserve Program to remain protected in perpetuity
Kelvedon was traditionally a fine wool sheep and Cattle property with some cropping, in 1998 the family diversified into Viticulture. Initially 1ha of Pinot clones were planted these vines form the foundation of the very successful Kelvedon Estate Label. Currently 7ha are under production plus 2ha of recently planted Chardonnay vines for Sparkling – Vineyard breakdown is – 4.5ha of Chardonnay/3.5ha of Pinot/1ha of Sauvignon blanc.